Guest speakers: Challenges faced in fighting the human trade from Africa to Europe: best practices in the Nigerian and Italian collaboration

Guest speakers: Challenges faced in fighting the human trade from Africa to Europe: best practices in the Nigerian and Italian collaboration

All staff and students are invited to attend a special guest lecture on Wednesday 6th March 3-5pm in the Alan Berry Building AB107 looking at the ‘Challenges faced in fighting the human trade from Africa to Europe: best practices in the Nigerian and Italian collaboration’.

Our guest speakers include:

Gery Ferrara, Prosecutor for the Ministry of Justicein Sicily and member of a number of the Special Departments focusing on mafia-crimes, terrorism and the smuggling and trafficking of human beings.

Hajara Yusaf, Prosecutor for The Federal Ministry of Justice, Abuja, Nigeria, part of a department examining the human trafficking of Africans across the Mediterranean.


Book your place now at
