Coventry, Degree Show – Humanities
Currently showing over at is an online exhibition of work by Arts and Humanities graduates from Coventry University. It features emerging talent from language, thought, and creativity, as well as a series of conversations between graduates and leading industry practitioners.
In the Degree Show, we are proud to showcase a sample of the work being produced in our School. In the School of Humanities we have three sections on the website, within which you will find examples of the creative and critical thinking of which our graduates are capable. You will find creative writing, prose and poetry, documentary-making, and critical analysis.
In the section for our Sociology courses you will find though provoking pieces including topics such as Police Brutality in Nigeria, the global BLM movement, the Impacts of Social Media, and issues facing minority groups such as the LGBT+ community.
Marviner Etienne Regis, 3rd year sociology, has a video on “What is Normal” explorign how media affects what we consider to be ‘normal’ and how this impacts representation of disabled people, including how that relates to concepts such as ‘male gaze’.
In the History and Politics section you will find pieces on Black History, the Far Right, Money in Politics and the NRA.
Shannon Maguire, a third year History student had produced a short film which explores the lives of enslaved African American Women on Southern Plantations during the Antebellum Period, and the hardships they were subjected to.
There is also a curated online exhibition on Black Resistance in the Atlantic World which encompasses a visual gallery and accompanying audio guide.
In the English section , for the courses English, English & Creative Writing and English with TEFL, you will find a selection of creative pieces and essays that explore a wide variety of topics. Creative pieces about contemporary social issues sit alongside essays about classic literature, horror fiction and dystopias.
Diya Chopra’s piece explores T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and how this relates to the genre of Bildungsroman text.
Pursing an English Literature and Language degree has provided me with an incredible opportunity to simultaneously explore the English language and pivotal literary texts. Both degree influences and my personal interest in the concept of ‘coming-of-age’ led me to base my dissertation topic on the Germanic genre of Bildungsroman. I immensely enjoyed researching the genre and the selected poems and I hope this project provides literary critics insight into a new perspective of the European culture.
Diya Chopra, BA English
Within the section for out Languages courses there are pieces exploring the origins and use of the French and Spanish language, the use of langauges in business, essays on social issues and student testimonies from the courses.
Nicky Skirmante, a 3rd year Languages for International Business (French) student who gives the story of her international experience at Coventry Univeristy with an engaging video highlighting the all the benefits of studying here and the experiences and opportunities you can get beyond just the course you choose, and how those two copliemnt each other.
To visit and view all of the amazing pieces of work visit the degree show here.