Dr Bianca Wright interviewed on BBC Breakfast

Dr Bianca Wright interviewed on BBC Breakfast

Bianca BBC Breakfast 1.2Bianca BBC Breakfast 2.1

Dr Bianca Wright, the Course Director for Digital Media, was on BBC breakfast this morning (12/9/19) talking about the issue of micro-transactions in video games such as Fortnite and Fifa 19 in a news item about the release of government report on the risks of in-play video game purchasing to children. Watch Bianca’s interview here: https://livecoventryac-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/ab6597_coventry_ac_uk/EYLyPy9EWUlPlgxjdg_xofIBizvZEdF0gBCniBeigasRQA?e=yVfBfV

Bianca’s research interests focus on digital practice and digital identities and she has a particular niche in the use of gamification principles in the context of education and journalism. Her projects bring together immersive forms such as 360-video and virtual reality with gamification to explore ways of teaching and storytelling in fields such as education and journalism.