results day

How to take your mind off results day

It’s happening, tomorrow you will receive your A-level results and begin the next chapter of your academic life. Don’t panic, no matter what’s running through your mind right now, we have the answer…

Whilst it is all very exciting in theory, right now you’re quite possibly feeling very stressed, sweating buckets, struggling to sleep and snapping at everyone who dares mention the dreaded ‘R’ word… It’s okay, help is at hand to ease your worries…

“I hate all this waiting”

waiting animated GIF You’ve done the hard work; you’ve clocked up hours of revision and studied late into the night. But now you’re faced with more spare time then you know what to do with! My advice? Enjoy it!! Get in touch with friends and arrange to do crazy fun activities (I suggest Go Ape!) that will make you laugh and forget that constant nervous feeling.

“My mind won’t shut up!”

sad animated GIF The best way to stop your brain from over-thinking your exams and the looming results day is to keep it busy! Read, sketch, paint, even write a book and become the next Rowling, it doesn’t matter what you choose to do! Anything creative will get your mind working, and when it is working it is too busy to be thinking about something you can’t change! On that note…

“What if it all goes wrong?”

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Results day will happen; there is nothing you can do to alter the date or to change which grades are on their way to you. Obviously we hope that you get the grades you have been hoping for, but there are still options out there even if things haven’t gone to plan! Use this time to familiarise yourself with the clearing process. It might be work noting a few back-up course choices,  or saving the clearing phone number to your mobile. (024 76 791 791) Having these options clear in your head will help you to stay positive, regardless of what results you receive.

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Above all, don’t let results day dominate your summer break.
Stay positive, keep busy and make some memories!

