University’s industry link up spawns cyber-security spin-out

Cyber security specialists at Coventry University in partnership with industry counterparts have created a new commercial venture to tackle virtual threats in the computer connected Smart Cities of the 21st century. The University and Crossword Cybersecurity Plc – an ISDX listed tech transfer company – joined forces last year to investigate early warning systems for…

Making Business Work – Intellectual Property Matters

Guest Blog: Dr Brian More, IP Commercialisation Director   26th April marks World Intellectual Property Day 2016. It is interesting to note that IP has reached the necessary recognition and standing to have a whole day dedicated to it globally each year. What’s in a name – New EUIPO – What Does the Future Hold? Several…

New ‘serious’ computer game brings benefits to children with ADHD

Coventry University’s internationally renowned Serious Games Institute, who are based at the Technology Park, has been working with researchers in Belgium and the Netherlands on a new ‘treatment’ to help children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and results of the research trial have shown a significant improvement in children’s behaviour. The treatment comes in…

A closer look at the award-winning AME

After winning the coveted Business Partnership award at the recent Guardian University Awards, we thought we’d give you a little more information about the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME). The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME), supported by the Higher Education Funding Council for England’s Catalyst Fund, is a collaboration between Coventry…

AME wins Business Partnership prize at Guardian Awards

The UK’s first ‘Faculty on the Factory Floor’ sealed a memorable eighteen months in operation last night when it was named as one of the main winners in the Guardian University Awards 2016. The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME), which is a joint collaboration between Unipart Manufacturing and Coventry University, beat off rivals…

Kickstarter & crowdfunding: a pathway to success

We’ve all had that eureka moment. That instance where you think “wouldn’t it be great if…” A lot of the time, the main stumbling block standing between your amazing idea and it becoming a reality is finance. It costs money to make a fully functioning, indoor, drink-delivery drone to save you queuing at the bar…

Going solo: student freelancing & self-employment

A recent survey of 1,002 graduates by PolicyBee suggests students feel they do not receive enough information about freelancing and starting their own business from their university. The results, illustrated in the handy infographic (click here for enlarged version), suggests that while 80%* of graduates said they have considered becoming self-employed, only 12% felt they were given enough information by to consider it…

Coventry University appoints DVC for development and resources

A deputy vice-chancellor for group development and resources has been appointed at Coventry University to lead – amongst other activities – the institution’s financial and estates strategy. Nigel Alcock joins Coventry University this week from Energetics Networked Energy, where he was the chief financial officer based out of the company’s Midlands office. Nigel has spent…