Knowledge Transfer: A true partnership

What exactly is a Knowledge Transfer Partnership, and how can it benefit your business? Dr Lorna Everall, head of postgraduate research support at Coventry University, explains to Insider Media. Many of you will have heard the phrase “knowledge transfer”, particularly within academic circles, and perhaps have wondered “what exactly does it mean?”.  More to the point,…

Coventry’s transport research team supports £7million connected driving project

Coventry University is joining forces with partners across academia, government and industry on a new project to create one of the world’s most advanced environments for connected and autonomous driving. Researches from the University’s Centre for Mobility and Transport will be working on the newly launched UK Connected Intelligent Transport Environment (UK CITE) project. Announced…

Future Flight Deck Project

Coventry University along with General Electric Aviation Systems, BAE Systems and the University of Southampton has just agreed a large-scale research contract funded by the UK Technology Strategy Board. The design of the next generation of flight decks will primarily be driven by the requirements to support aircraft operation in a Single European Airspace/ NextGen…

EVENT: The Coventry Way – 9th June

Join us for this free breakfast networking event and grow your business network. In cooperation with the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, we discuss how we can help your business prosper through access to the skills and knowledge your company needs for growth. Coventry aims to be the most flexible and accessible of Universities, so…

Coventry aiming to tackle lifestyle diseases through Stellenbosch partnership

The Enterprise & Innovation team at Coventry University are running an Inter-KT programme which provides funding for academic staff attempting to establish a correlation between chronic inflammation – and the onset of type2 diabetes – following pre-established research carried out at the University of Stellenbosch. The project will allow researchers to go on secondments at international…

When basic skills are not enough

Are the line managers in your organisation equipped to take your business forward? Jeannine Mortlock, managing director, CU services at Coventry University, discusses the skills required to be effective. Over the last few months, we have heard a lot about the continuing challenges faced by businesses in the current global economic climate. Tata Steel, Caparo…