My Girl project

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We are raising money for girls in Malawi who do not have access to sanitary towels, underwear and clean toilets during their periods. This, unsurprisingly, can cause them to drop out of school.

We need around £1000 to pay for home-made sanitary packs and training for girls at one school.  At present they use rags during their periods, even banana leaves, so this project is one that will appeal to any female!

I joined two volunteers when I was out in Malawi in March 2015 when they delivered these to a group of girls and it was huge fun- much singing, dancing and laughter.

The students coming on this work experience trip will collect data to monitor how successful this intervention has been in terms of increasing school attendance of girls.

£6 buys a girl a re-useable sanitary pack which will last her 3 years.

Pat Lund (trip organiser)

Donate if you can:

Tim Matthews