Speaker Series: Countering Organised Crime, Modern Slavery and Terrorism 6th to 11th March 2019
Wednesday 6th March 11-1 in RC124
Dr Gery Ferrara, Prosecutor for the Ministry of Justice in Sicily, will talk about best practices in fighting the mafia,
Followed by Dr Carlo Amenta, Counter-mafia asset seizure expert, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Palermo talking about ‘The business model as an investigative tool: the case of smugglers in the Mediterranean’.
‘Challenges faced in fighting the human trade from Africa to Europe: best practices in the Nigerian and Italian collaboration‘ with Gery Ferrara, Prosecutor for the Ministry of Justice in Sicily and member of a number of the Special Departments focusing on mafia-crimes, terrorism and the smuggling and trafficking of human beings, and Hajara Yusaf, Prosecutor for The Federal Ministry of Justice, Abuja, Nigeria, part of a department examining the human trafficking of Africans across the Mediterranean.
Seating may be limited so please book your place now at eventsforce.net/humantrade
Thursday 7th March 1-2 in JA152
Dr Giuseppe Giura, winner of “The Falcone & Borsellino International Prize” for his work in analysing criminal judgements, Forensic Accountant at Antimafia Directorate at the Procura in Palermo/Lecturer in Sociology of Law (University of Palermo and University of Catania) will present a session on confiscation of mafia assets.
Thursday 7th March 6pm in CW215
Hajara Yusaf, Prosecutor for The Federal Ministry of Justice, Abuja, Nigeria will talk on Nigeria responses to terrorism.
Friday 8th March 11-1 in GSG22
A meeting with Liam Vernon, Senior Manager in the NCA (Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Unit at the National Crime Agency)
Monday 11th March 9-11 in GEG32
Fabrizio Sarrica, team leader at the UN office on drugs and crime will present on the UNODC and the research of trafficking in persons and on smuggling of migrants.
For more details please contact Rino Coluccello (lsx114@coventry.ac.uk). Priority will be given to students on attached modules in the event of full rooms.