Employability in HLS: What we learnt about students and how we supported them into graduate employment
Session: Friday 27th June, 13:50 to 14:10
Room: EC1-03
This session aims to unpick the range of initiatives that the Employability & Placement Unit (EPU) has successfully implemented to develop student employability in the Faculty of Health & Life Sciences.
The session is delivered by specialist practitioners with a wealth of experience and having delivered significant results in graduate employment at course-level across the Faculty. For example, BSc Psychology at Coventry University now ranks 7th nationally (Guardian League Tables 2014) – ahead of many of the Russell Group.
The session will also provide you with practical insights into how to successfully engage with employers, in order to broker valuable placement opportunities that will lead to graduate employment.
The session is not one that will draw upon any particular theoretical perspective, nor will it take any side in the employability debate. As such it will appeal to academic and professional services staff from a range of disciplines at the University.
Contributor: Karen Quinn
Internationalising student experience project for BES
Session: Friday 27th June, 13:50 to 14:30
Room: EC1-02
This session will be an overview of the current project ongoing in BES which has been commissioned to look at how staff support our International Students and strategically how BES may proceed going forward. A key focus for positive progression will be with the concept of integration rather than segregation, through the ethos that all students are international students. The workshop will suggest some basic ideas in how staff can raise cultural awareness aimed at helping the integration process by assisting in setting student expectations of engaging in and contributing to a cultural diverse environment.
Contributor: Mary Crossan
Moodle drop in
Session: Friday 27th June, 13:50 to 15:20
Room: ECG-14
E-Learning Technologists will be available to work with you to develop your course and to answer any of your Moodle questions.
Contributors: Anne Dickenson, Alam Sheikh
Postgraduate Taught Course Portfolio: Developing the Coventry Way
Sessions: Friday 27th June, 13:50 to 14:30 and 14:40 to 15:20
Room: EC1-22
What should the portfolio of Coventry’s Postgraduate Taught Courses like in 2021? We are reviewing our current provision to determine how we can make it vibrant, relevant and distinctive so that we continue to attract home and overseas students. We invite you to attend this session and share your views and ideas around four key questions:
• What are the core capabilities that a successful Coventry postgraduate student will take away?
• What are the key undertakings we should commit to for postgraduate students e.g. nature of contact time and the student experience?
• What do we do /don’t do now that needs to change?
• What are your ideas for innovation?
Contributors: Denise Skinner, Steve Galliford
Reducing e-mail clutter and working together dynamically: Collaborating in real-time using Google Drive
Session: Friday 27th June, 13:50 to 14:30
Room: EC1-21
Many students already use Google in their personal lives for e-mail access, sharing and storing documents (Goolge Drive), as well as photos (Picasa) and videos (e.g. YouTube). In brief, students are often comfortable with the familiarity and ease of working with apps offered by Google.
This workshop session aims to involve attendees through discussion and practice in the applications of Google Drive as a diverse and effective tool that reduces e-mail clutter, maintains organization of files and allows for dynamic collaboration opportunities for staff and students.
After a brief overview of Google Drive, attendees will have the opportunity to collaborate in the authoring and editing of a document in Google Drive. It is strongly recommended that you BYOD (bring your own device, preferably a laptop).
Contributor: Dustin Hosseini
Tablet café
Session: Friday 27th June, 13:50 to 14:30
Room: EC1-23
Come along and share how you are using your tablet device for learning and teaching and discover how your colleagues are using their devices. These informal Tablet Cafes’ aim to bring together staff interested in the use of tablet devices to share ideas. Feel free to come along even if you are not currently using tablets to see what is possible.
Contributor: Martin Jenkins
Developing the Modern Graduate
Session: Friday 27th June, 14:20 to 14:40
Room: EC1-03
This session will provide an insight into how we developed key skills & learning at all stages of the students University life for successful transition into graduate level employment. This approach led to improvements in DLHE survey figures, increases in graduate salaries and developed highly skilled and attractive candidates to potential employers of CU Graduates.
Contributor: Ian Farrin
Developing the International agenda through an exchange programme and shared practice
Session: Friday 27th June, 14:40 to 15:20
Room: EC1-02
At the end of March 2014, Lisa Webb and Philip Perry undertook a third successful visit to Central South University, Changsha, China, with 22 second and third year DVA students from the Graphic Design and Illustration courses.
The session will provide an overview of the trip and its history, focussing on this academic year’s programme and the work produced by students during the two visits. Focus will be on a selection of posters and the blog which accompanied them, and the lesson plans organised by staff to facilitate both CSU and Coventry students in successfully undertaking these assignments.
Students and staff participate in a range of teaching and learning opportunities which allows for exploration of interculturality and for discussion of cultural similarities and differences covering a range of issues. This enhances students’ international awareness as designers in a global community and supports the University’s internationalisation agenda.
This project would not be possible without the valued support of Andrew Beck and Emma Hamilton.
Contributor: Lisa Webb
Effective partnership working: the partner perspective: What makes a UK –Overseas collaboration successful?
Session: Friday 27th June, 14:40 to 15:20
Room: EC1-21
In this session senior representatives from the Middle East College, Muscat, Oman and Ghana Telecom University College will present a partner perspective on what makes a UK-Overseas collaboration successful. As we develop our partnerships, this is an opportunity to hear and discuss the international partner perspective to enhance our partnership working.
Contributors: Kiran Gopakumar and Ashwin Ashwin Kalliath (Middle East College, Oman) and Robert Baffour (Ghana Telecom University College, Accra, Ghana)
Softchalk used for coursework
Session: Friday 27th June, 14:40 to 15:20
Room: EC1-23
For their coursework students from 306BMS were expected to review a current research topic in cancer biology. They had an individual title which was posed as a question, based around a recent research publication. Students had to build a review to give their informed (by published literature) opinion on the question. They are required to present information in a manner that another student at the same level could easily understand and learn from, as they all had individual topics and titles that are not covered in the lectures this is an important communication aspect.
For this they used Softchalk to build a ‘mini-website’ rather than producing just another essay. Not only did this make the assignment more interesting for the students, it also provoked them to develop other skills that they may not have realised would be beneficial to them in their careers away from University; skills such as digital literacy and contributing to online journals.
Softchalk was chosen for this as it provided an easy to use option (we did not want the focus to switch away from cancer biology, so needed something that all students would easily be able to cope with). It also allowed a format that lent itself to developing a learning resource for other students to look at. The inclusion of e.g. a quiz is extremely informative as to the engagement of the student with the topic area and also their understanding of the material.
The aim of this session is to share this good practice and help tutors think differently about how their students produce coursework. It will also showcase one of the many ways CELE can help you with your course development.
Contributor: Timothy Matthews
Increasing Employability
Session: Friday 27th June, 14:50 to 15:10
Room: EC1-03
In this session we will outline the ways in which the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Science is increasing its employability scores in league tables through changes to the curricula.
Contributor: Laura Taylor
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