Coventry University Teaching and Learning Conference 2014
Celebrating Excellence: Inspiring Futures
Thursday 26th and Friday 27th June 2014
Venue: The Engineering and Computing Building, Coventry University
The conference provided a forum for the sharing and development of best practice in Global Higher Education and opportunities for wider collaboration, development and networking.
The timetable and programme for the conference are below:
Timetable Teaching and Learning Conference 2014
Programme Teaching and Learning Conference 2014
Twitter Updates
Continuing the discussions online using social media
Conference participants are encouraged to add to the discussions at the conference through the use of twitter, using #CovTLC for general comments. Each session will have a unique identifier to add into the tweet, this will help identify sessions which have prompted tweets. The unique identifiers will be notified in each session.
Blogs have been set up for each session type (links in top menu bar), follow up posts will be made to these blogs to share resources. Comments can be made to the blogs to continue discussion.