Breastfeeding Skill Android App

Android ‘Breastfeeding Skills’ Smartphone App Development

Coventry City Council have agreed £7K to fund the development if the existing iOS (Apple) Breastfeeding skills app to work for the Android platform.
iOS App Breastfeeding Skills

This will allow the app to work on all Android phones and tablets, therefore allowing it to be accessed by many more mothers and clinicians in future. The iOS version of the app was originally developed as a result of the University app competition in 2011. It contains information on overcoming the most common breastfeeding problems and techniques to increase maternal breastfeeding self-efficacy. User feedback has been very positive.

This funding has been agreed as part of an ongoing project to develop and evaluate the breastfeeding app. Together with Coventry City Council, Louise Wallace and Naomi Bartle are preparing an application for funding to NIHR Public Health Research  stream to evaluate the app as public health intervention

Current iOS App linkBreastfeeding Skills

If you would like to know more about the project please contact Dr. Naomi Bartle on

