Computer Game Helps Teenagers Discuss Sexual Coercion

prepareCoventry University’s studies in adolescent sexual health (SASH) group have developed a new computer game called PRE:PARe – Positive Relationships: Eliminating coercion and Pressure in Adolescent Relationships which will be rolled out to schools in the coming months.

The free to access ( for School in Coventry and Warwickshire ) online game has been designed for use with young people in sex education lessons – dealing with the issues of pressure and sexual coercion. Helping them to understand, though a variety of scenarios  what coercion is and how it occurs in day to day life, such as within relationships and through online interactions.

The game was created by the Serious Game Institute, with direct input from health professionals, teachers and young people themselves in Coventry and Warwickshire area and is funded by the Health Innovation and Education Cluster.

Katherine Brown, Health Psychologist at SASH Research group and reader in eHealth & Wellbeing Interventions ( joint  with NHS Warwickshire ) said:

