Serious Games Institute: Mandela 27

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

The Serious Games Institute at Coventry University is helping build a virtual prison cell from Robben Island – the site where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years.

Imagine a physical display of Nelson Mandela’s cell the same dimension as his cell in Robben Island.

It will house several photographic displays and three screens showing the cultural platform which takes the form of the plan of Robben Island.

When you enter Mandela’s Cell you will hear his story, walking down the corridor you encounter a map  – as you click on the map pins, a cultural event across the EU and SA spring to life.

As you go outside to the prison yard you can play the serious game – a dark graphic novel about his time at Robben Island. This is Mandela27.

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is funding this project lead by Coventry University and organisations from UK, South Africa, Belgium and Sweden are collaborating to bring audiences this unique learning experience.

This is a true collaboration with South African partners supplying content and EU partners  who are expert in serious games advising on the project, improving cultural exchange across both regions.

To be kept up to date with the project, follow the Mandela27 Facebook Group.

Click here to hear more about the Serious Games Institute at Coventry University.



Coventry University