Digital Literacy and Creative Writing
Session: Friday 27th June, 10:10 to 10:50
Room: EC1-22
Digital literacy has been a keystone in the development of the new degree in English and Creative Writing in DEL. This session will outline elements of current practice under two headings: the digitisation of teaching delivery and the digitisation of student learning. Amongst other things we will discuss video lectures, student blogs, online picture books and digital assessment. The format will be a face-to-face presentation incorporating a virtual presentation, followed by a question and answer session. We hope participants will gain an insight into some of the possible forms and benefits of digital learning and that participants will share their ideas so that we can learn too.
Contributors: Tim Kelly, Alyson Morris
Enhancing learning of mathematics using screencasts
Session: Friday 27th June, 10:10 to 10:30
Room: EC1-03
A trial was completed on the use of screencasts to aid students’ learning in mathematics. Short videos were produced of selected worked examples showing the tutor’s penstrokes with an audio commentary. Students were able to see the example as it unfolded, and hear the language that goes with it, both of which have been proven to be beneficial in learning mathematics. The screencasts could be watched as often as the students wished, allowing them to revisit examples from class or to catch up if absent.
The session will include discussion of some of the practicalities of creating screencasts of this type, and will demonstrate that this can be a straightforward process.
Contributor: Helen Busby
Exploring next generation learning environments: leadership and collaboration in Inter-Professional Healthcare through Learnium, a social network for teaching and learning.
Sessions: Friday 27th June, 10:10 to 10:50 (repeat of Thursday session)
Room: ECG-14
What makes a learning environment “next-generation” or “effective”?
Online learning environments are integral to learning and teaching and the aim of this session is to have an open discussion about the ideal online learning environments. The session will also provide an overview of how the Inter-Professional Healthcare Leadership Module (363OT) piloted a new platform Learnium as an alternative social learning platform during the second term of this year.
Test accounts will also be available to anyone interested in using the platform.
A follow on hands on session will be running on Friday 27th June at 11:00 in ECG-14 for those wanting to try the software.
Contributors: Arun Wilson (Learnium), Robert Dragon (Learnium), Heather Fraser, Ashley Toogood
Fostering a Toleration of Uncertainty
Session: Friday 27th June, 10:10 to 10:50
Room: EC1-21
The session will take the form of an exploration of case studies centred around teaching activities undertaken during the MSc Industrial Product Design and MSc Design & Transport programmes. A key characteristic of this PG programme is that it is comprised almost entirely of international students from a variety of nationalities and cultures. It has become apparent that international design students have a way of thinking and understanding design processes that is qualitatively different to that of native UK students. A key observation is that such students are highly goal and process orientated and find it difficult when asked to engage with and find solutions for open-ended tasks, free-ranging enquiry and ‘wicked problems’. Such students are, comparatively intolerant of uncertainty. The exercises and activities discussed here are aimed at exposing students to situations in which uncertainty, randomness and the unexpected are deliberately and procedurally introduced as a demonstration that such forces can help trigger powerful creative responses.
Contributor: Clive Hilton
Games and Experiments to improve the students’ learning experience
Session: Friday 27th June, 10:10 to 10:50
Room: EC1-23
Research has suggested that students state a preference for active learning, and classroom games and experiments are a suitable vehicle for this. Games may enable students to fix a concept vividly in their minds, and perhaps help them engage in deeper learning. Games and experiments cater for the heterogeneous learning styles of students and have received positive feedback in student surveys. The Economics Team have also found that these games go beyond covering content during the course, they are extremely useful as the core of our induction programme, where their benefits are twofold; (1) opportunities to meet and get to know other people on the course (2) get started with the course. This workshop will consider the costs and benefits of classroom games, including demands on the lecturer, and will involve conference participants taking part in a game that has been used with first year students.
Contributor: Mike Walsh
How sport can improve the employability of our students
Session: Friday 27th June, 10:10 to 10:50
Room: EC1-02
This short presentation, followed by discussion, will illustrate the potential impact of engagement in sport on graduate employability. The session will engage participants by illustrating how students’ participation in sport may lead them to being less likely to experience unemployment and more likely to secure higher career earnings.
The session will refer to the recently published research conducted by the Sport Industry Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University into ‘the impact of Engagement in Sport on Graduate Employability’. Coventry University Students’ Union (CUSU) Sport and Wellbeing Officer, Matthew Stone, will outline the current provision of sport at Coventry University, how it is structured and how Coventry students perform against their peers nationally. The session will also explore how the provision of sport has developed at Coventry in the past few years and how CUSU see the future of sport in the University.
The session is for people who are curious about the impact that participation in sport can have upon students. It is hoped that participants will leave the session with the aim of promoting forthcoming plans to develop Faculty sport.
Contributor: Matthew Stone (CUSU Sport and Wellbeing Officer)
Synchronous On-Line Learning with Skype
Session: Friday 27th June, 10:40 to 11:00
Room: EC1-03
The aim of this session is to raise your awareness on the use of Skype for synchronous learning for educators. We will look at the benefits of using this application and develop an understanding on the methods of best practice and tips to consider when running a synchronous session over Skype. This will cover working with, and managing group calls, understanding the technology and barriers faced with this method of communication, and also how preparation prior to event can reduce the risk of interference with the delivery of learning and communication. To give context for this presentation, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Carol Chamley will provide an overview on how she benefits from this application to provide online communication and synchronous learning with her students on her current module.
Contributors: Jamie Stallard, Dr. Carol Chamley
Developing Partnerships in Mental Health Nursing
Session: Friday 27th June, 11:00 to 11:20
Room: EC1-02
Developing international partnerships in Mental Health Nursing: An overview of the process and 10 top tips for developing a successful international collaboration.
Contributor: Richard Luck
Disruptive Media Learning Lab: Project idea drop in
Session: Friday 27th June, 11:00 to 11:30
Room: EC1-23
Do you have an idea for a project which experiments with new forms of delivery, practices or forms of engagement?
The DMLL has funding available to support projects and can also provide the space and expertise needed to help these projects to succeed.
Come along for an informal discussion with the Co-directors of the DMLL, Jonathan Shaw and Shaun Hides.
Contributors: Jonathan Shaw and Shaun Hides
International Experience Programme – academic field trips abroad and support towards student individual projects outside the UK
Session: Friday 27th June, 11:00 to 11:15
Room: EC1-21
International Experiences is an IEMS’s programme offering travel grants to students participating in overseas field trips but also for students undertaking their own, individual projects abroad. It lends support to Academics/Members of Staff who are looking to organise a new field trip, too. The scheme has been extremely successful since its start in March 2009 and you will be able to find out from this short session how many students travel annually and where to, how the programme is being administered and how you can engage with IEMS to plan your own field trip. It also give information about access to individual grants which all CU students are eligible to apply for.
Contributor: Michael Ferenc (via video)
Learnium: Hands on session
Session: Friday 27th June, 11:00 to 11:30
Room: ECG-14
Learnium Limited is an educational technology company founded with the mission to help develop new and innovative educational models and practises. The Company is supported by the Alacrity Foundation, a graduate technology start-up incubator and entrepreneurship programme, and will also work closely with the Disruptive Media Learning Lab at Coventry to develop the platform.
This session will provide staff with test accounts enabling them a hands on opportunity with the social learning platform and the opportunity to ask Learnium staff any questions.
Contributors: Arun Wilson, Robert Dragan
UK Work Experience for international students; Opportunities, Pedagogy, and a case study of Chinese Student Engagement at Coventry University
Session: Friday 27th June, 11:00 to 11:30
Room: EC1-22
Do you have international (non-EU) undergraduate and postgraduate students on your programmes? Are you interested in finding out about some of the exciting opportunities we have to provide international students a UK Work Experience as individuals or part of multidisciplinary projects? If the answer is yes, then come along to an interactive session with the UK Work Experience Team. The session will also give guidance on support from the department and would seek to showcase our experience on Employability Engagement of students from China and embedding employability within the classroom.
Contributors: Marie Hardie, Andrew Amayo
Contemporary Marketing Issues – sharing our ideas
Session: Friday 27th June, 11:10 to 11:30
Room: EC1-03
The module Contemporary Marketing Issues was overhauled for this year by researching current issues in marketing and gathering together materials from recent academic and trade journals. Classes were enlivened and exposed students to research in key topical marketing areas, such as how to create a loved brand, establishing and maintaining loyal customers and managing customer experience.
This presentation will highlight what we did with the module; things that worked; managing student expectations; working as a team; content of lectures and seminars; assessment and things that didn’t work.
Contributor: Ellie Hickman
Social Engagement for Employability Development (SEED)
Session: Friday 27th June, 11:15 to 11:30
Room: EC1-21
SEED stands for Social Engagement for Employability Development and is a new initiative within IEMS. It aims to promote Social Engagement and equip international students with employability skills to improve their future career prospects both at home and in the UK. The SEED project is coupled with the UK Work Experience Programme to place individuals and groups of students from overseas into the public, charitable and third sectors on a temporary basis to undertake projects. Full training is given to students to ensure that they are equipped with extra knowledge and skills to be work-ready to undertake placements. This is achieved through our ASSET programme.
Contributor: Laura Davis (via video)
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