What capabilities might we need for the 21st Century?

Guest blog written by Mark Holton, Group director of organisation development, Coventry University We can all read thousands of books that talk and advise about the traditional leadership and management skills needed to plan, manage projects, work efficiently as a team and cope with organisational change.  However, in this Snapchat, Instagram, Pokemon Go generation, I feel…

Exchanging Business Know-How

Knowledge Exchange Manager Alisdair Ritchie talks knowledge exchanges and technology transfers as it is widely recognised that business experts and academic specialists working together can help industry explore new and exciting opportunities. As someone who works in knowledge exchange and technology transfer, I am often met with blank looks when I refer to them. The main aim of…

Discover the award-winning TRADEIT Project

As reported recently, TRADEIT, a project within the International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship (ICTE), is to receive a Commbebiz Award at the EBN Congress in September. Commbebiz is a Europe-wide organisation dedicated to providing links between bioeconomy research and business. TRADEIT is an enterprise that aims to support traditional food producers by addressing barriers to growth…

TradeIT project is an award winner

A project designed to support emerging SMEs in the food industry has been selected as a winner of a CommBeBiz Award 2016. TRADEIT, a collaboration between researchers and academics from Coventry University’s International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship and the European food industry, will be presented with their award at the 25th ENB Congress in September held in Guimaraes, Portugal.…

Honorary doctorates for motor industry supremos

Two of the UK’s top motor industry names are being awarded honorary doctorates during Wednesday’s graduation ceremony at Coventry University. Ian Callum, director of design for Jaguar and a Royal Designer for Industry (RDI), will collect an honorary doctorate of arts (Hon DArts) this morning in recognition of his significant achievements as a leader of…

Inter KT – Arizona State University

          Following on from the success of the work done with the University of Windsor Inter KT project, Coventry University has embarked on another exciting collaborative project, this time with Arizona State University in the United States. The aim of this project was to develop an international network and a professional partnership that could respond to the needs…

Coventry’s transport research team supports £7million connected driving project

Coventry University is joining forces with partners across academia, government and industry on a new project to create one of the world’s most advanced environments for connected and autonomous driving. Researches from the University’s Centre for Mobility and Transport will be working on the newly launched UK Connected Intelligent Transport Environment (UK CITE) project. Announced…