Hitting year 2…..O2OA continues!

Since the last major update (March 2015), O2OA has considered how it can best deliver on year 2. As with the other Pathfinders we reflected on whether the original project plan was still realistic and if, given shifts in the sector, it still offered valuable insight. We decided ultimately…..yes. With a couple of tweaks we will stay aligned to the original plan, underpinned by the need to ‘do OA with little money’. With a few tweaks…..

Reviewing the plan

Originally we had planned to implement and test a single solution in one partner’s institution. However, it swiftly became clear that any processes need to fit the context and a ‘harmonised’ approach isn’t viable….but thankfully within WP2 Northampton developed an excellent OA project lifecycle flowchart / decision aid.  Each partner will take the flowchart and build it into their existing institutional structure.  This will allow us to determine how to tailor implementation of OA lifecycle processes across different contexts. We will share this learning between the team, and then to the wider OA community. This process will allow us to understand how to embed / integrate OA in institutions with minimal resources. From this we will produce 3 case studies of implementing ‘smartly’ and communicate this during and at the end of the project. To support this activity we will also continue to strengthen links with other Pathfinders (Particularly Oxford Brookes and Northumbria to produce further outputs.


  • In May 2015, O2OA supported the Sensemaking Pathfinder project to deliver a researcher-behaviour focused event. A great summary is available here. Julie Bayley from O2OA delivered a presentation and workshop on how to engage researchers, alongside some tools for helping map out engagement strategies. The materials are available here
  • In June 2015, O2OA attended the programme meeting in Brighton, where (alongside a completely lovely lunch!) we had a great opportunity to chat with colleagues.
  • Following on from this, O2OA then formed part of the Jisc OA Pathfinder presentation at the 25th Annual ARMA conference. Again O2OA focused on engaging researchers, and the event was a great showcase for the Pathfinder programme.
  • Northampton have been actively driving OA institutionally. Their policy – informed by the information sharing within the Partnership – is forming part of their overall strategy for which learning will be shared. Northampton have also been producing Research Data Management resources which are available to all:
  • RDM at the University of Northampton: state of play
  • Data management planning using DMPonline

Each partner is continuing to build OA provision at their respective university, supported by the information sharing underpinning the Jisc initiative.


We continue to learn lessons including:

  • In such a ‘live’ OA environment it can be difficult to determine what is Pathfinder activity from what is part of ongoing university practice. We have found huge value from the scheme, and are extremely keen to showcase the real benefits and impact of this work. So, to avoid claiming effects which would have been achieved anyway, we have restricted our view to effects that are made possible because of the Pathfinder project. This recognises the benefit of the scheme. Examples include shared practice, shared outputs, new processes which have been generated by the partnership, and cross-Pathfinder activities. In this way we can convey the genuine impact of the work.
  • Implementing anything university-wide is hard! Not only are we having to establish the OA-specific workflows, but also build in the networking and links necessary to drive it.

Next steps for O2OA are:

  • Continue implementation and information sharing for institutional OA processes WP3 (led by De Montfort University)
  • Continued and hopefully strengthened links with other Pathfinder colleagues
  • Production of the Intervention Mapping resources

And to produce all outputs on time. Every time. Really and truly we will.

