Thursday 26th June, 10:20 to 11:00
Friday 27th June, 10:10 to 10:50
EC1-22 (Thursday) and ECG-14 (Friday)
Arun Wilson (Learnium), Robert Dragon (Learnium), Heather Fraser, Ashley Toogood
What makes a learning environment “next-generation” or “effective”?
Online learning environments are integral to learning and teaching and the aim of this session is to have an open discussion about the ideal online learning environments. The session will also provide an overview of how the Inter-Professional Healthcare Leadership Module (363OT) piloted a new platform Learnium as an alternative social learning platform during the second term of this year.
Test accounts will also be available to anyone interested in using the platform.
A follow on hands on session will be running on Friday 27th June at 11:00 in ECG-14 for those wanting to try the software.
Have you heard of Run 3?
It’s okay if you don’t know yet; you can play now and get entry right away: run 3