revision help

8 ways to keep calm while revising

Whether you’re revising for A-levels, GCSE’s or to get that First Class Degree, you’ll need these 8 bits of advice to get you through revisions’ darkest times…

1. Listen to music

Music is a powerful way to soothe your mind and begin to get inspired. Check out our Music blog posts to find out about Lozanov’s RAM music effect and how it can be adapted to boost your mood for study. We’ve also suggested some other tracks and playlists for you, from classical music by Mozart, Vivaldi and Beethoven to modern instrumental melodies by Yiruma and Igor Krutoy. Your days in the library won’t be boring, stressful or ineffective anymore!

2. Do creative activities

Creative activities can help you to calm down and free your mind. You don’t have to join an art therapy class; you can easily be creative at home. For example, learn Origami – Japanese paper crafting, decorate your room with black-and-white photographs, paint your wardrobe or do your nails. As you begin experimenting with colour and shape you are exerciseing the artistic bit of your brain. You’ll find that the exhausted ‘thinking’ parts of your brain will now calm down, rest and recharge ready for revising tomorrow.

3. Practice breathing

Practice the simplest yoga exercise: breathing! Your stress levels will lower with every inhale and exhale. Yoga enhances your concentration and also helps you enjoy living in the moment, rather then fretting about the future. Take 15 minutes each day for deep breathing and getting in the concentration zone,  you’ll soon find you’re not so easily distracted when revising.

4. Take a stroll around our beautiful campus

Exercise is always a good mood booster as it helps to generate endorphins. If you feel a work-out session will consume too much energy, a short stroll might be suitable to calm you without tiring you out. The endorphins released will keep you motivated and energetic enough to revise once you get home. Take a morning walk on campus through our most peaceful places such as Gosford Green park, the Technology Park or take a bus to Coventry’s Memorial Park.

5. Food, glorious food

Did you know that your emotions actually reflect both your physical and mental well-being? So if you’re in a bad mood, eating the right food can actually fix it! Choose foods that carry serotonin, a key mood-enhancing chemical in your brain. These can include turkey, beef, seeds, certain fish and fruit, oh and most importantly – Dark Chocolate! Reward revising with chocolate? Epic!

6. Celebrate every small achievement

Setting and achieving one big goal will need a huge amount of effort all at once – exhausting! So in order to avoid exhaustion, try dividing your workload into smaller tasks. For example, complete revision notes for chapter 1 today, chapter 2 tomorrow and so on. Upon completing each task, celebrate it by indulging yourself with a tasty treat: A chocolate muffin or nutella banana pancake are both great options!

7. Keep in mind the big picture

See the bigger picture
While it’s important to pay attention to your progress, it’s also good to look at the big picture. Bear your future goal in mind, as well as the things that have led you this far. Think about what you are looking for upon completing the course. Define your priorities. This might help you do less, and get more done to reach your main target.

8. Let go the past

Your first exam didn’t go well? I promise it’s not the end of the world 🙂 Let go of the past and carry on. Don’t let one bad result take you down. Negative self-talk phrases like “what if” or “if only” are a waste of your time and energy. Focus more on what you can do next, learn from your mistakes and use our tips above to prepare well for your upcoming exams.

Good Luck!

