Ever wondered what happens to counterfeit fashion? When thousands of fake ‘Frada’ purses are seized, they may no longer have to be destroyed.
In the first collaboration of its kind, fashion students from Coventry University have joined forces with Coventry Cyrenians to create a unique clothing range, created by repurposing fake and donated fashion goods.
Over the next few weeks, the students’ designs will be on sale at the Cyrenians’ Refreshed Fashion concept store at Fargo Village. Each week, a whole new range of designs will be on sale and you’ll never find the same garment twice.
All profits will be split between the charity and the students themselves, who will be putting their skills to good use for a worthwhile cause whilst also gaining valuable, real world retail and merchandising experience.
So how did this project come about?
Coventry University actually began working with the housing charity Coventry Cyrenians in 2010. The charity contacted the fashion department at CU after receiving donations of counterfeit clothing. The initial plan was for students to practice their sewing skills or ‘de-brand’ the goods before returning them to the charity. However, the university’s fashion team came up with the idea of developing things further. They allow students to get creative and try re-modelling the clothes into fresh, new original garments, which the Cyrenians can then sell on.
Amandeep Asahan, a second year fashion student at the university, is one of the recent recruits to the Counterfeit to Counter:
“Being involved in the counterfeit clothing project has been a great experience. It’s challenged me creatively and got me thinking about things like sustainability and recycling. Plus, on a personal level it’s been very rewarding as I’m contributing to a good cause. It’s really nice to be involved in something that is helping others.
“I’ve learned about the business side of fashion as well. I’ve had to think about things like pricing and promotion. I’m about to embark on a work placement with George Clothing at ASDA so I’m sure this experience will stand me in good stead for that.”
Phil Bragg from Coventry Cyrenians said:
“We’re delighted to be working with Coventry University on this initiative. Their expertise in fashion design is invaluable but they’ve also really bought into what we’re trying to achieve here in terms of raising awareness of the plight of homeless and vulnerable people in the city.”
Head on down to Fargo Village this weekend to update your wardrobe with unique designer clothes – whilst also helping out a worthwhile cause. Surely that’s the best kind of shopping?