What is the NSS?

Let’s be honest, there’s nothing worse than having to do a survey, especially when it feels like it’s for no reason. But what if you were to fill one out that could actually make a change and do some good you could see?

This is where the National Student Survey (or NSS) comes in. And if you aren’t sure what it’s all about, read on, as UnCOVered has all the info you need and some that might surprise you too!

What is it?


You may have heard about the NSS already, but might not be quite sure what it’s all about? Basically, the National Student Survey is set up through the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and aims to find out how happy graduating students have been with their course.

Every university and many colleges take part and it’s an excellent way to voice your opinions on how your course has succeeded or fallen short over past few years. From these thoughts, institutions can then make positive changes to courses to benefit current and prospective students’ experiences.

Sounds good, but why should I do it if I’m leaving?


It’s understandable that because you won’t reap much in the way of benefits you might not want to complete the survey. However, on top of being able to improve the way your course is run, Coventry University are also adding a charitable incentive for completing the survey.

This year Coventry will be donating £1 to charity for every completed survey, so the more people that complete the survey, the more money that goes to charity!

Which charity are we giving to then?


That’s the best part… You get to decide! We are now running a poll on our Facebook page to choose which charity we donate to. All you have to do is visit our page at facebook.com/coventryuniversity, and comment 1, 2 or 3 for the respective charities below:

  1. Coventry Cyrenians – Services for homeless and vulnerably housed people in Coventry and Warwickshire. Since the 1970s, Coventry Cyrenians have been working to improve and rebuild the quality of life these people have. For more information, please visit coventrycyrenians.co.uk.
  1. Coventry Foodbank – Ensuring people in our community have access to nutritionally balanced food when they need it the most. Coventry Foodbank also offer money management advice and support from partners, including the clothes bank. For more information, please visit coventry.foodbank.org.uk.
  1. Teenage Cancer Trust – With around 7 young people being diagnosed with cancer every day, the Teenage Cancer Trust aims to provide all 13-24 year olds the care and support they need to win their fight against cancer. For more information, please visit teenagecancertrust.org.

Each of these excellent causes have been supported by Coventry University in the past and now you get to decide which one we support again next. So please cast your vote before Tuesday 24th January.

That’s great, what should I do next?

do it

Once you’ve voted in the poll, it’s time to complete the survey! So if you’re a final year student and feel like doing your good deed for the day, please visit the following link. It won’t take long but the results could make a really big difference.

Visit www.thestudentsurvey.com and complete your survey now! Thank you!

