
7 ways to show kindness on World Kindness Day

We think every day should be a day of showing kindness to others, but did you know… today is official World Kindness Day? And here at UnCOVered, we’ve thought of a few ways you can easily spread goodwill!

What happens on World Kindness Day?

World Kindness Day is a day that has been celebrated for years – by individuals, groups and organisations nationwide to encourage acts of kindness– and the best thing is, both the giver and receiver enjoy it!

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is an internationally recognised non-profit organisation that is dedicated to providing tools and resources to encourage acts of kindness towards the outside world.

7 random acts of kindness ideas


Here are 7 fun acts of kindness you can do effortlessly…

1. Send a flattering text message to 3 people you know
2. Donate food to a homeless shelter
3. If you’re doing your food shopping – let someone who has less items than you go in front in the queue
4. Take flowers or chocolates to nurses at your nearest hospital
5. Put your phone away while you’re in the company of others
6. Buy a coffee for the person in the line behind you
7. Say ‘I love you’ to someone you love

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day. Remember to share the kind things you do with us below – the world needs more people like you! And don’t forget, when you smile the world smiles with you.

