Rethinking the way we think about Entrepreneurship

Gideon Maas, the Director of our International Centre for International Entrepreneurship shares his views on business in the 21st century in our latest piece for Our global economy is changing. Some say, not without substance, that it’s actually in crisis. Certainly there is growing inequality and real problems around social mobility across the world.…

University’s Trade Mission to Indonesia

Coventry University and a group of hi-tech companies from the Midlands are embarking on a trade mission to the world’s third largest country to coincide with the Indo Aerospace Show – a global aerospace industry event. The delegation is being jointly organised by the University and the Department of International Trade and will feature companies…

Crisis Management in the Arts Sector

Jonathan Gunson and Dr Alessandro Merendino from the Centre for Business in Society write the second in our series of Crisis Management posts. The impact of the financial crisis of 2008, as well as a move towards a mixed model of financing the arts sector whereby arts organisations were encouraged to look towards the private sector in addition…

Rural businesses plug into greener vehicles

Should rural businesses plug into electric vehicles? – That’s what a recent study in rural Warwickshire sought to answer. The results of the study, announced as part of the Economic and Social Research Council’s nationwide Festival of Social Science, are being discussed at an event next month. Businessmen and women interesting in testing out the…

A new kind of collaboration

Paul Noon, pro vice-chancellor of enterprise and innovation at Coventry University discusses a “new kind of collaboration”. The word “collaboration” is a word that is bandied around a lot in higher education circles. Likewise the word “innovation” – I should know; it’s in my job title. While often repeated these words do in fact say a lot…

Food for thought on Cornish tourism

The impact of cream teas, pasties and clotted cream on St Ives’ tourism industry has been deconstructed by academics. Researchers from Coventry University have been examining the impact that food tourism has on local economies, specifically in one of Cornwall’s holiday hotspots, St Ives. With a third of tourists’ money across Europe estimated to be…

AME claims major innovation award win

The UK’s first ‘Faculty on the Factory Floor’ is celebrating today after it secured a prestigious award for its pioneering work. The collaborative initiative between Coventry University and Unipart Manufacturing Group, the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) beat off a host of high profile organisations to secure the ‘Technology Innovation’ title at the Cotswold…

What does Entrepreneurial University of the Year mean?

In case you missed it, Coventry University has been nominated for the Entrepreneurial University of the Year at this year’s Times Higher Education Awards. But what does that actually mean? Coventry University has a successful track record in these awards. The University has been named the Modern University of the Year in 2014, 2015 and…

The Importance of Crisis Management in Business

Guest blog by Dr. Alessandro Merendino, Centre for Business in Society Crisis management is the process by which an organisation deals with a major incident that threatens to harm business, its stakeholders, or the general public. The large-scale industrial and environmental disasters in the 80s triggered the study of crisis management and it is considered to be the most…

What capabilities might we need for the 21st Century?

Guest blog written by Mark Holton, Group director of organisation development, Coventry University We can all read thousands of books that talk and advise about the traditional leadership and management skills needed to plan, manage projects, work efficiently as a team and cope with organisational change.  However, in this Snapchat, Instagram, Pokemon Go generation, I feel…