10 side hustles to make money fast

10 side hustles to make money fast

There’s always money to be made. If it’s the end of term and money is getting low, here’s ten things you could do now to gather a few extra pounds for the weekend.

1) Upcycling is the new recycling

Upcycle and sell stuff you’ve found in charity shops on Gumtree or eBay. You’re saving the planet AND your overdraft. Gold star.

2) ¿Hablas español?

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Speak a second language? Teach it! It’s quick and easy to set up a Skype language course or conversational practice for learners around the world.

3) Party planner = best job title ever

Organise a student event and double your money on ticket sales. A fun way to make money.

  • Screen a film
  • Singles night
  • Trips to festivals
  • Tickets to see a band

4) Multi-tasker

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Offer to wait for other people’s deliveries while cleaning their home – some good money to be made here!

5) Ship it like FedEx

Offer to be a “You want it? I’ll get it!” delivery service. Fetch coffee, food, tickets or beers for those in need. Charge them a small fee for your trouble. You could also queue or stay on-hold for anyone who is averse to waiting around. It’s surprising what people will pay!

6) Baguette me not

Make an extra sandwich or two each morning and sell them at lunchtime when the less-organised get hungry! You never know, this could lead to a home-made smoothie or sandwich business with daily lunchtime deliveries.

7) Wash & go

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Collect other students’ dirty laundry and take it to the launderette – for a mark-up. You’ll earn even more if you iron it!

8) Testing, testing

Sign up for medical trials. Ok, so this one is probably even riskier than handling your housemates’ used smalls, but being a guinea pig can be a good earner. Just don’t blame us if you grow an extra thumb or something.

9) Sport relief

If sport is your thing, why not organise an outdoor fitness start trail for students at your campus or simply organise a running group for a small fee? Get paid to get fit! Local sports teams are always looking for coaches and will pay for help too.

10) Fiddle me this

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Ever tried busking? If you’re a musician you can get paid to practice in the street. Busking is legal, but do check if there are any peculiar local bylaws – and keep sound levels appropriate for the location.

Whatever your skills, there’s bound to be something you can do to get you to the end of term. Keep it legal, stay safe and don’t forget your studies come first. Dream big but start small, you never know where it might lead you.

