How to cope with being alone
Keeping your anxiety and worries at bay can be difficult when you find yourself being alone for long period of times, especially when you are prone to overthinking. When scrolling social media can feel like a string of bad news and induce stress, there’s plenty you can do without leaving the house to make you feel more at peace.
Spending time alone can start to feel claustrophobic and overwhelming. Being in one space particularly can become tiresome, which is all the more reason to revamp and tidy your room. It can seem like a daunting task, but if you struggle with anxiety, decluttering the space you inhabit can declutter your mind. Even if you can only manage something small, like making your bed or organising your desk, you’ll find that releases some stress and distracts you from other worries. Our top tip for making this an enjoyable experience is to slap on some of your favourite tunes and put your earphones in to help motivate you. You’ll also find that doing something that’s active and not looking online can take your mind off of things properly, while benefiting your wellbeing.

Becoming a movie buff can be a great way to escape reality for a couple of hours, paired with some nice snacks and a blanket and you’re on your way to a perfect stress-free zone. To make this more of an event, try switching your phone off or putting it away, dimming the lights and creating more of a cinema experience. If you can manage without looking at your phone in the cinema, you can easily re-create a similar feeling from the comfort of your own home (just without the 30-foot-tall screen). If you find yourself with lots of spare time, you can even start to build a list of movies you’ve watched and write a short review of them/rank them. You may even discover your new favourite film!

Be creative! There are so many ways to stimulate your mind and relax at home. Having means to a laptop, computer or phone can be useful but there’s more options to explore to help pass the time. Colouring is proven to induce the same state as meditating, by centering your focus on something relaxing and positive. Writing can also be a great immersive activity to get stuck into, whether that be writing down your thoughts like a diary, trying your hand at story-telling, or even just to-do lists, it can be a great release of inner thoughts and stress.

The good thing about living in an age where social media is so constant and