Liliane is a Research Assistant in the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) at Coventry University. Her research interests include: Forced displacement, food Security, sustainable livelihoods, and wild harvest.

My work in Stabilisation Agriculture focuses on enhancing the social and economic resilience of communities in fragile environments to withstand and respond to adverse conditions generated by natural and human induced stresses. In particular, I emphasise sustainability and resilient food production as a means to bring about peace, stability, human security and development. I also lead the delivery of Stabilisation Agriculture teaching at masters level. The drive behind my research is the quest for enabling arguments that stimulate and build capacity, new policies, constructive reforms and transitional strategies of sustainable responses to food insecurity, and risk reduction of food insecurity related humanitarian crisis.
Linked up to the work in Stabilisation Agriculture is my PhD research. It explores the contribution of wild foods to food security and livelihoods in fragile environments. In particular, my investigation focuses on the socioeconomic and environmental valuation of edible insect gathering and related activities, and how these link to food access, sustainability and wellbeing.
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