Needing encouragement

I am a starter and not a great completer, perhaps that is why it has been a while since I have updated this blog. I find it hard to motivate myself to do this when I  don’t know whether or not anyone is reading it.  I’ve also found it harder to keep running recently too.  Maybe I am just lazy, maybe I’ve set myself a bit too big a task.  I was delighted to meet Rachel on the way home recently.  She’s been coming to Pilates in the Spirituality and Faith Centre and as a result of doing this form of exercise has decided to do even more, so she’s taken up running.  She told me she’d read this blog, and inspired me not only to keep writing but to keep running too.

It does help  when you have others around to motivate and encourage you, at least I find it so.  So on Monday, after meeting Rachel, I ran 6 times around the field adjacent to the track where my daughter trains for athletics.  I stopped after each circuit, but this was further than I had done previously.  Noticing small progress, and encouraging myself – these are good strategies –  recognising that I am doing something new and life-giving is more helpful than getting frustrated with myself about what I am not doing.  I said to my daughter after we had both finished running that I would have to work hard to keep up with her.  She looked at me rather bemused, and said – ‘Dont compete with me Mum, compete with yourself.’  She’s 8, and she’s quite right!