Who we are

The Social Work and Health Inequalities Network (SWHIN) is a global association of more than 300 social work educators, managers, policy makers, practitioners, researchers, and allies from 22 nations spanning six continents. Our richly diverse membership shares a common commitment —namely, to combat the causes and consequences of unjust and damaging, socially produced health inequalities.

Launched at the 2004 International Health and Mental Health Conference in Quebec, SWHIN was co-founded by Drs. Eileen McLeod (University of Warwick) and Paul Bywaters (Coventry University & Honorary Professor, University of Warwick). An executive committee provides guidance to SWHIN.

Executive Committee Members

Paul Bywaters, Julie Fish, Kate Karban, & Eileen McLeod, UK; Tuula Heinonen, Canada; Agnes Law, China; Vimla Nadkarni, India; Varda Soskolne, Israel; Roberta Uchoa, Brazil.


Co-Convenors are SWHIN members who create a platform for SWHIN collaboration. They ensure the vitality of SWHIN through promoting and disseminating information. They facilitate organization of collaborative opportunities. Drs. Bywaters, Fish, Karaban, and McCleod have served as SWHIN co-convenors.

  • Current Co-Convenors and Contact Information:
    Bruce Friedman, PhD, ACSW, CSWM, LCSW, Professor, California State University-Bakersfield Social Work Program, USA. Email: bfriedman@csub.edu
  • Lana Sue Ka‘opua, PhD, DCSW, LSW, Associate Professor, University of Hawaii- Mānoa Myron B Thompson School of Social Work, USA. Email: lskaopua@hawaii.edu

Meet SWHIN’s New Co-Convenors

Bruce Friedman


Bruce D. Friedman, PhD, ACSW, CSWM, LCSW, Professor of social work program at California State University, Bakersfield.

Dr. Friedman is past president of the board of the National Network of Social Work Managers and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Social Service Research and Social Thought. He is also the editor of the special issue of Social Work and Health Inequalities that will be published in the International Journal of Public Health.
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Lana Sue


Lana Sue I. Ka ‘opua, PhD, DCSW, LSW

Lana is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Health Concentration at the University of Hawai‘i-M?noa (UHM) Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work (MBTSSW).
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