Friday 27th June, 14:40 to 15:20
Lisa Webb
At the end of March 2014, Lisa Webb and Philip Perry undertook a third successful visit to Central South University, Changsha, China, with 22 second and third year DVA students from the Graphic Design and Illustration courses.
The session will provide an overview of the trip and its history, focussing on this academic year’s programme and the work produced by students during the two visits. Focus will be on a selection of posters and the blog which accompanied them, and the lesson plans organised by staff to facilitate both CSU and Coventry students in successfully undertaking these assignments.
Students and staff participate in a range of teaching and learning opportunities which allows for exploration of interculturality and for discussion of cultural similarities and differences covering a range of issues. This enhances students’ international awareness as designers in a global community and supports the University’s internationalisation agenda.
This project would not be possible without the valued support of Andrew Beck and Emma Hamilton.