
Can I change my course…?

unCOVered present the six things you need to know about switching courses.

You’ve settled into your accommodation, you’ve met your tutors and colleagues, you have found where the loos live and yesterday you located the reduced shelf in Sainsburys – but still something doesn’t seem right…

In most cases you will be with Coventry University for three years, working towards a fantastic career in your chosen field. You probably applied for your course based on your favourite subjects at sixth form and a vague idea of a career path. However, selecting your course is a huge decision, and one that isn’t always easy to make. So what happens if you have made the wrong choice?

First of all, let me reassure you that you would not be the first student to change their mind about their course, which is why there is a protocol in place! Although it does vary slightly for each faculty or school, these are the main points you need to know about switching courses:

  1. In the majority of cases the deadline for changing your course is the Monday of the 3rd week from enrolment. For 2015 this is Monday 12th October.
  1. If you are thinking of changing course it is important that you talk to your tutor/s immediately and discuss all your options with them. They will be the ones to initially authorise your request so they need to fully understand why you are making it. Take note that this initial authorisation is not the final say in the matter.
  1. You will be given an ‘Amendment to Enrolment Form’ to complete and return asap to the Faculty Register for authorisation.
  1. You will not be able to attend any of the new course’s teaching sessions until your request has been signed off and approved. SO, the sooner the better!
  1. Changing your course may affect your student finance, it is important to keep both Student Finance England and the Local Education Authority (LEA) informed about your decision.
  1. For international students changing your course may also affect your visa, again you will need to check this with the relevant authorities. Ensure you are fully informed before progressing with the course change.

Over all, think carefully and discuss all your options with your tutors first – but be aware that there is a process in place and it is okay to have changed your mind 🙂

