Welcome to LGBT History Month 2016 at Coventry University! It’s that time of year again when we celebrate the lives and achievements of the LGBT community. Naturally, To mark this event, there’s going to be plenty of things happening across campus…
LGBT, LGBTI, LGBTIQ, LGBTIQA – there are so many variations that I stumble over and i’m never sure what I am suppose to use and when. But this isn’t about an acronym, it’s about standing together to celebrate sexual and gender diversity. It’s about challenging embedded attitudes and preconceptions people have about the LBGT community.
The acronym does of course have its importance. It gives a sense of community and belonging, and the right to self-identify, organise and collectively fight for equality.

What is LGBT History Month?
In a nutshell, LGBT History Month takes place every February here in the UK and celebrates the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender community and it’s achievements. Now in its 14th year, it focuses on promoting equality and awareness while highlighting some key issues that are faced by people who identify as LGBT.
What’s happening on campus?
Didn’t you already know? Coventry University Students’ Union (CUSU) has lined up a series of pretty awesome events across campus throughout February for you to enjoy and get involved with – here’s just a flavour of what’s happening!
2nd February – Rainbow Road, TheHub.
What better way to start LGBT History Month than adding a lot of colour to campus! Students and staff are being encouraged to help create a rainbow road outside TheHub by chalking a small section of pavement outside, which will create a huge canvas of colour. The LGBTQIA+ Society will also be on hand inside TheHub with information on the history of the LGBT community as well as getting glamorous in the photo booth!
3rd February – Spirituality and Faith Event, TheHub
This year’s theme is ‘Religion, Belief and Philosophy’ and the Spirtuality and Faith Centre will be hosting an engaging discussion on the relationship between faith and sexuality. Students are encouraged to come and tackle a subject that is close to a lot of people’s hearts. There will also be a screening of ‘Bent’, a heart-warming love story set against the backdrop of the persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany.
23rd February – Time Capsule, TheHub
Do you want to be a part of your Students’ Union history? Here’s your chance! CUSU are going to bury a time capsule filled with messages of what people hope would have changed in 5 years time. What progress would you like to see made in that time?
How can I get involved?
Well, you can make a start by going to one of the events! There’s no pressure obviously! On a serious note, there are plenty of things you can do to make an impact. If you hear or experience someone using choice language, challenge him or her. You could also follow @LGBTHM on Twitter to find out the latest updates and other events that are taking part in your area.