Reviews and Appeals

This information relates to appeals regarding assessment results.  For appeals relating to extensions and deferrals please see the appropriate section.

Students can only challenge marks on specific grounds, such as inaccuracy of marks or failures in process or procedure.  Academic decisions and marks cannot be challenged by appeal.  If a student wishes to appeal please follow these steps:

Step 1:  Please question the student as to the grounds on which they wish to appeal and direct them to Appendix 2 of the Academic Regulations:

Step 2:  Remind the student that they must appeal within ten days of receipt of their results via the following e-mail address:

Step 3:  On receipt of the appeal, the Appeals Officer will consider the case and if the appeal is valid refer the matter to the Academic Review Group (ARG).  Should further information or comment be required from you, you will be contacted by your Faculty Registrar.

Step 4:  On completion of the review, the ARG will notify the student of its decision and if the appeal is rejected, the student will receive a Completions of Procedures Letter to notify them that the matter is closed and should they wish to pursue it further they can do so via the Office of the Independent Adjudicator.