How to make the most of Freshers’ Week

How to make the most of Freshers’ Week

Freshers’ Week is the one thing all new university students look forward to. It’s a rite of passage and an amazing way to kick off your time at university. How do you make the most of it we hear you ask? Follow our tips below for the best Freshers’ experience ever!

Sports Clubs and Societies
Sports Clubs and Societies

Now is the time to join sports clubs and societies. Many societies and sports clubs will be on hand throughout Freshers’ encouraging new membership sign ups. Want to try something new and make friends? Then now’s the time! Or, if you already have an existing passion, seek out others who are likeminded; there’s likely a society already set up, but if not, set up your own!

Mingle 1
Freshers’ is one of the most social times of the year, with a calendar packed full of events designed specifically to encourage students to mingle, so get out there and meet your fellow students! Connecting with other people will make feeling a bit overwhelmed about your new student life a bit bearable.

Extra-curricular fun
Extra-curricular fun
Competitions, free pizza, scavenger hunts, shopping nights, dressing up, pool tables – there is no shortage of extra fun during Freshers’! So even if sports clubs, societies or drinking aren’t your thing, head out, get involved and soak up the Freshers’ atmosphere.

Pace yourself
Pace yourself
Remember that late nights, takeaways and alcohol take their toll! Plus, you have lectures to get to without Mum kicking you out of bed! The key here is to pace yourself. Ensure you make time during Freshers’ to rest, eat well and take in your new experiences-it goes by very quickly.

Get to know your Campus
Get to know CUC

Be sure to have a good wander around our building, discover the IT suites, the LLS, Careers and Employability and much more. By exploring your new territory and taking advantages of the services on offer, you can make the most of your experience with us.

