Friday 27th June, 10:10 to 11:30
Maggi Savin-Baden, Roy Bhakta, Gemma Tombs, Katherine Wimpenny
The presentation is now available – DigitalFluency Workshop_PPT_final
This 80-minute workshop session will focus upon the complex and contested issues of living, learning, and working in a digital society. It will examine the concept of digital fluency, which is referred to here as the ability to use media of whatever sort, to manage knowledge and learning across diverse offline and online spaces (Savin-Baden, 2015). In doing so, it will introduce an innovative project funded by the new Disruptive Media Learning Lab (DMLL), which explores concepts of associated with digital fluency and how they relate to teaching and learning contexts.
The purpose of this session is to engage workshop participants in a discussion about how these concepts might guide discipline-based pedagogy. Three key issues will be considered: students’ levels of digital fluency upon entry into university, the fluencies that educators hope to engender in students, and the existing digital fluencies that challenge current approaches to teaching and learning. The workshop will provide a forum to discuss issues and suggest ideas and terms that might be useful in developing digital fluencies at Coventry University.