Coventry nominated for Entrepreneurial University of the Year

Coventry University’s enterprise and international activities are in the running for two separate accolades at the forthcoming Times Higher Education (THE) Awards 2016. Initiatives such as Coventry University Social Enterprise (CUSE) and the recently-launched African Institute for Transformational Entrepreneurship (AITE) have helped to secure Coventry a nomination for the ‘Entrepreneurial University of the Year’ award. The…

Construction starts on uni’s new transport design centre

Work is underway on Coventry University’s multimillion pound National Transport Design Centre, which is being established to boost design innovation in the sector and bridge a shortfall in creative skills. The centre will feature a six metre power wall allowing designers and engineers to explore transport concepts in virtual reality, and will also have projection…

Exchanging Business Know-How

Knowledge Exchange Manager Alisdair Ritchie talks knowledge exchanges and technology transfers as it is widely recognised that business experts and academic specialists working together can help industry explore new and exciting opportunities. As someone who works in knowledge exchange and technology transfer, I am often met with blank looks when I refer to them. The main aim of…

‘Fab Lab’ set to open in Coventry

A new hub for innovation in digital technology and manufacturing is set to open in Coventry city centre. The ‘Fab Lab” project has been led by a collaboration of local influencers including Coventry University, University of Warwick, Coventry City Council’s Job Shop, Positive Youth Foundation and Imagineer Productions. The aim is to bolster the city’s…

Discover the award-winning TRADEIT Project

As reported recently, TRADEIT, a project within the International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship (ICTE), is to receive a Commbebiz Award at the EBN Congress in September. Commbebiz is a Europe-wide organisation dedicated to providing links between bioeconomy research and business. TRADEIT is an enterprise that aims to support traditional food producers by addressing barriers to growth…

TradeIT project is an award winner

A project designed to support emerging SMEs in the food industry has been selected as a winner of a CommBeBiz Award 2016. TRADEIT, a collaboration between researchers and academics from Coventry University’s International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship and the European food industry, will be presented with their award at the 25th ENB Congress in September held in Guimaraes, Portugal.…

Unipart and AME’s Ford-China deal to create 40 Coventry jobs

Courtesy of A seven-year contract to provide advanced components for Ford cars being produced in China is expected to see Unipart Manufacturing create 40 new jobs in Coventry. A feat achieved through Unipart’s joint venture with Coventry University the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) Unipart is now one of only a small number of companies…

The future of transport systems?

An exciting new project led by Coventry City Council, with Coventry University, will see the development of a program to demonstrate how real-world connected cars interacts with surrounding infrastructure. Intelligent Variable Message Systems (iVMS) will assess how connected and automated vehicles interact on key routes leading into Coventry’s City Centre. iVMS will draw on cutting edge expertise…

Meet ICTE: The International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship

The ICTE is a unique Centre, formed to support sustainable socio-economic transformation through systemic approaches to entrepreneurship in communities. Within this context, ‘transformational entrepreneurship’ refers to a holistic and heuristic orientation in terms of entrepreneurship promotion and combines the individual and other sub-systems (such as society and institutions) interacting and collaborating to create a positive framework…

Microcab – innovative hydrogen fuel cell vehicles

Coventry University are leading the way in introducing innovative hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, providing a solution to the problem of urban air pollution and advancing the hydrogen fuel agenda internationally. As such, Mircocab was born – a spin out company from Coventry University, for the production of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The project led by…