A visit by Centro was arranged by Transport Design tutor Elaine Mackie for final year students to present their work to Sandeep Shingadia (Head of Scheme Development) and Richard Booth (Strategic Development Manager) regarding their final design proposals for street furniture and waiting environments associated with the Sprint rapid transit system.
Centro shelter presentations from Joscha Wasser and Marius Ciorogar, Jamie Elkington, Richard Todd and Tom Whalley
It was noted that between all the presentations the following key aspects were covered:
• Journey ambience and understanding of passenger requirements
• Aesthetic appearance from architectural inspiration
• Modular design based on demand
• Incorporation of commercial opportunities
• Integration of technology
• Integration with other forms of transport choices
• Consideration of innovative and sustainable materials
• Facilitation of maintenance issues
Sandeep Shingadia commented: “I was very impressed by the standard of the work, the thought processes that they have gone through and their presentations.”
The designs of the students have the opportunity to be presented to a wider audience including shelter manufacturers and design consultancies in order to facilitate future discussions about detailed considerations.
EM (TN ed.)
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