How to market yourself online – employers are looking!
In today’s world, where social media is everywhere, it is becoming more commonplace for employers to check the social media accounts of candidates as a standard part of the vetting process. According to Jobvite’s 2014 Social Recruitment Survey, 93% of employers are doing this.
Applying for those graduate jobs at the moment? Here’s your ultimate guide to marketing yourself online!
Adjust your privacy settings
Get savvy and make sure your private life stays private by adjusting your privacy settings for Facebook and Twitter. You are able to control who can see the various content you upload, including your photos, shares and statuses. If you add or follow a prospective employer or a potentially promising contact, be sure to manage your settings so they can’t see anything that could possibly damage your chances (or cause embarrassment…think drunken holiday snaps 2014 for example!).
Choose your profile and cover photo wisely
On Facebook, your profile and cover images are public, and may be all a prospective employer is able to see if you adjust your privacy settings correctly; but that is no reason to be complacent! Be sure that your photographs reflect you/your friends/your family in a positive light. Beware of photos from nights out, wearing revealing clothing, or any other situation/activity that may cause an employer to think twice about you, such as hunting or protesting. We’re not saying these things aren’t ok, but it’s wise to consider how you come across to people who do not know you personally.
Be careful what you’re talking about
According to Times Money, 83% of recruiters say talking about illegal drugs on social media is the ultimate no no. Talking about sex, guns and alcohol should also be avoided at all cost. This applies to the links/articles/statuses/videos you share and like also, so think about each one carefully before you link these things to yourself and your profile. Also, racist and/or sexist comments or jokes will not go down well!
Don’t relax even when you get a job
Just because you’ve bagged a job doesn’t mean you’re safe online. Beware of posting photos and statuses regarding your work or private life as it might reflect badly on you or your employer. This may result in your contract being terminated. Check out EMGN’s article on Tweets That Got People Fired to avoid some big faux pas.
Reversal of fortune
On the flip side of all this, photographs, statuses and shares can also work to your advantage if an employer is looking. If you think of social media as an extension of your CV (especially LinkedIn) then photos of you volunteering or statuses/shares about learning new skills (such as a new language) may encourage an employer to invite you in for an interview.
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