The Course Quality Enhancement and Monitoring (CQEM)Process

The Course Quality Enhancement and Monitoring report (CQEM) was introduced for undergraduate courses in June 2012 at the Leadership Conference on 28 June 2012.  This re-aligned process for course development and reporting aims to ensure that course teams are properly formed and defined and that they are afforded the space to properly reflect on issues relating to pedagogic design.  Each course team now meets at least twice each academic year to discuss the issues raised in the Teaching Learning and Assessment strategy (June/July and January/February).


For further information and CQEM documentation please refer to:


UNISTATS is the official government website for comparing UK higher education course data.  It includes official data on each university and college’s satisfaction scores in the National Student Survey, jobs and salaries after study (Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Institutions, DLHE) and other key information for prospective students. UNISTATS uses Key Information Set (KIS) data that the University supplies on all its courses.  Typical information required and rated by UNISTATS include:

  • Satisfaction with the quality of the course
  • Average salary across the UK after taking a similar course
  • Number of students who go on to work and/or study
  • Employment six months after the course
  • Average annual fee for students from England
  • Typical annual cost of university/college accommodation
  • How the course is taught
  • How the course is assessed
  • Satisfaction with the Students’ Union

UNISTATS allows prospective students and parents to choose a number of similar courses and compare all of the relevant information.

For more information visit –

National Students Survey

The National Student Survey (NSS) is a national survey, which has been conducted by Ipsos MORI annually since 2005. It gathers opinions from mostly final year undergraduates on the quality of their courses. Aimed at current students, the survey asks undergraduates to provide honest feedback on what it has been like to study their course at their institution.

The survey runs across all publicly funded Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Additionally, Further Education Colleges (FECs) in England and Further Education Institutions (FEIs) in Wales with directly funded Higher Education students are eligible to participate.

The NSS is the opportunity for our students to ‘have their say’ and provide invaluable feedback to the institution and future students that may wish to study the same course.  The survey is widely recognised as a key measure of satisfaction and looks at a range of areas including:The teaching on the course, assessment and feedback, academic support, organisation and management, learning resources, personal development, and overall satisfaction, Students ’ Union (Association or Guild).

Staff should encourage student participation as widely as possible, whilst ensuring impartiality at all times.  The survey is undertaken by all final year students, including those with overseas status.


For more information visit –

Internal questionnaires

The University is very aware that the National Student Survey only gains the student voice at the end of their study period and we use other data collection methods throughout the student’s time with us.

You may well be asked to distribute and collect either Module Evaluation Questionnaires (MEQs) and/or Course Evaluation Questionnaires (CEQs) within your lectures.  It is vitally important that this is undertaken regularly to address any problems that arise, enabling them to be rectified at the earliest opportunity.

Attendance monitoring and Home Office (UKBA)

The University has to attendance monitor for three reasons:

1. to ensure maximum completion of all students;

2. to ensure attendance of TIER 4 (overseas) students in order to safeguard the University’s UKVI licence;

3. to monitor the attendance of any sponsored students in order to safeguard our income from sponsors.

Further processes for the academic year 2013-14 to be confirmed by the University Registrar and Secretary.

For more information contact – Your course administrator in Faculty Registry

Teaching Rooms and Etiquette


  • Access – Line manager needs to contact access control
  • Logins – IT user name and password/H:drive
  • Technical support
  • Registers – Contact Faculty Registry for requirements (could be on-line or paper based)
  • Etiquette – Lateness, phones, food
  • Facilities – Demonstration of teaching equipment (computer/screen/room layout)
  • ITS Emergency Contact number – if you are in a teaching and learning room and need immediate assistance with IT/AV equipment then contact ITS on ext 656667 (024 7765 6667 from outside).

Module Boxes

The systematic maintenance of a ‘Module File’ or ‘Module Box’ for each module is regarded as good practice and is particularly valuable when preparing for external discipline audits. Such files/boxes should contain copies of any information relevant to the module concerned. You may inherit a Module File/Box when you become Module Leader, in which case it becomes your responsibility to maintain it. If a file does not exist, you are recommended to start one. It is important that the Module File/Box is accessible to other staff (e.g. the Chair of the Board of Study) and you should consult with your Head of Department and/or Faculty/School Registrar on local policy for the content and location of these files (central guidance is available) – in some Faculties/ Schools electronic storage is being developed and implemented. Module Boxes may be subject to scrutiny by internal or external auditors.

Module Guides and Descriptors

At the commencement of each occurrence of the module, students should be given (either in paper form or electronically) a Module Guide which expands on the information in the Module Descriptor. Typically, this will include:

  • a teaching plan/schedule of activities;
  • names and contact details of staff involved in module delivery;
  • details of coursework assignments (e.g. one 2,000 word essay
  • plus one group report) and assessment criteria;
  • course work deadlines, class test dates etc.
  • methods and opportunities for reassessment;
  • methods of communication (e.g. which notice board – electronic or otherwise – the students are expected to consult regularly).

The Module Information Directory (MID) is an on-line computer-based information system which enables students to access descriptions of any module from across the University. Module Leaders are responsible for ensuring that the Module Descriptor is accurate and up-to-date. The Module Leader should also ensure that the intended learning outcomes of the module are stated clearly, that the learning and teaching methods will enable students to achieve the intended learning outcomes, and that the methods of assessment will enable the student to demonstrate achievement of those outcomes. Amendments to Module Descriptors require approval by the Board of Study (BoS) (Chair’s Action is sufficient for minor changes). For further information consult your Faculty/School Registrar.

New Module Leaders should check with the Faculty/School Registrar as to whether there have been any approved changes which have not yet been incorporated into the module descriptor.

Moodle is the University’s virtual learning environment and as Module Leader you will be responsible for maintaining a module web for your module(s) which must include the minimum content as follows:

  • name of module leader – office number – availability;
  • names of other module tutors;
  • e-mail addresses for all tutors on module;
  • response time protocol if on-line surgeries are held;
  • teaching timetable for year – with rooms and activities;
  • assessment titles and requirements;
  • assessment weightings and deadlines for coursework (add to calendar);
  • details of exams, length and time of year;
  • marks for coursework;
  • Module Guide;
  • teaching materials – see lecture note guide;
  • where possible previous exam papers.

For further information on Moodle, including help guides, please go to:

For further information on Module guides go to:

Programme Specifications

At Coventry we have a “course based” focus. All courses have “Course Directors” who are responsible for the effective running and development of their course. Faculty Registry teams are assigned to departments and support the courses for both Academic staff and students. Courses have a “Programme Specification” which tells everyone involved all about the course including:

  • Educational aims of the programme
  • Intended learning outcomes
  • Programme structure and requirements
  • Support for students and their learning
  • Criteria for admission
  • Methods for evaluation and enhancing the quality and standards of teaching and learning
  • Regulation of assessment
  • Indicators of quality and standards
  • List of mandatory and option modules
  • Capabilities (skills) map

All programme specifications can be accessed online at:

The programme specification is the starting point for discovering about the course and Academic language and terminology!